OZO Fitness Pedometer SC1 Review

Recently, I decided to get back into shape. My wife and I had just had our first child last year, and, like with most new parents, my workout regimen took a major hit, and I wound up gaining a whole lot of weight as a result.

However, now that things have kind of settled into a regular routine, it seemed like a great time to start working out again. However, to help me stay motivated, I decided to start walking around the neighborhood with our baby in the stroller. That way, I can get some much-needed exercise, and my wife can get some much-needed rest.

To further help me in my quest to get fit, I decided that I would get a pedometer to help me track my progress and keep me on the path to better fitness. To that end, I found the OZO Fitness Pedometer SC1.

I didn’t need anything flashy or that had a ton of extra features; instead, I just wanted something that would tell me the amount of steps I took and maybe some additional vitals such as calories burned to help me stay motivated.

The SC1 is a fantastic little device that I can clip almost anywhere and use throughout the day to track my progress. If you’re in the market for a standard pedometer, the SC1 is an excellent choice.

Recessed Buttons

One of the biggest downsides of some pedometers is that the buttons are too easy to press. While this makes it easy for programming and menu navigation, that also means that you can easily reset your step count while you walk, making the whole thing pointless. Fortunately, with the SC1, the buttons are on the back and recessed into the device so that you don’t have to worry about that happening.

Large Screen

Another issue that I have with most pedometers is that the display is usually so small that I can’t quickly glance at it and get the information I need. Thankfully, with this device, the screen is rather large (compared to the unit itself), and I can read it quickly and efficiently every time I look at it.

Long Lasting Battery

Part of the reason I didn’t want to get a flashy pedometer that could sync to my phone or one that offered all kinds of bonus features is the fact that I didn’t want to have to keep charging it all the time. I already have to plug my phone in whenever I get a chance, so I wanted something that I could use over and over again without worrying about battery life.

The SC1 has an auto shut-off feature and only turns on when you use it, so you can get a lot of mileage out of this pedometer before you even have to worry about changing the battery. Also, when it is time to swap it out, the device will give you a heads up, so you don’t do so prematurely.

>>> Click Here To See Specifications, Customer Reviews & Rating <<<


  • Compact design
  • Durable construction
  • Recessed buttons
  • Easy to use
  • Intuitive controls
  • Clips on anywhere
  • Track your progress
  • Displays time and vitals
  • Long-lasting battery life
  • Super convenient


  • Screen doesn’t light up, so it can be hard to read in the dark
  • In rare cases, the step count may not be entirely accurate
  • Compact size means that it can come loose when jogging or walking on rough terrain


  • Compact size
  • Easy to read screen
  • Large screen to body ratio
  • Easy control system
  • Buttons are recessed, so you don’t accidentally reset steps
  • Tracks vitals
  • Time/distance
  • Steps taken
  • Calories burned
  • Track progress for up to seven days
  • Clips anywhere you want
  • Durable plastic housing
  • Battery lasts for a long time
  • Auto shut-off when not in use
  • Low battery indicator light


Q: How accurate is the step counter? Will it track my movements around the house?

A: Yes, it is quite sensitive, so it will track your steps almost anywhere.

Q: Does it work for children too?

A: Yes, it will track steps for anyone between roughly fifty-five to over three hundred pounds.

Q: Does it reset the step count every day?

A: The device resets every time it goes off, but you can access previous numbers up to seven days.

>>> See More Questions and Answers <<<

Final Verdict

Ever since I started taking my son on walks, I’ve become much more fit and energetic. I owe part of my success to the SC1 since it helps me stay motivated by tracking my progress and giving me the extra boost I need to go farther and longer. Overall, I love the compact design and easy to use controls, meaning that I will continue to use this pedometer for years to come.

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